An intriguing case of ASCITES

 This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

Date of admission : 22 November 2021

A  23 year old female who is home maker came to the OPD with the chief complaint of distension of abdomen

 History of present illness : 

Normal routine of the patient : 

The patient wakes up by 6 AM daily, carries out all the household work, will not have breakfast, goes to the field by 10 AM and does farming, then she used to have his lunch by 1/2 PM (rice & curry or roti) and return home by 6/6.30 in the evening. Then she used to have his dinner (rice again) and sleep by 10 PM.

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 52 days back then she first felt distension of her abdomen that was gradual in nature.

She experienced diarrhea for around one month, she passed the stools as soon as she ate, the stools were not like rice water, no presence of blood.

She then developed fever associated with chills which was continuous for which she visited a local hospital. The doctor suspected typhoid and widal test was done.

She started taking medications for fever when she developed shortness of breath that was seen on lying down or sitting or walking for a short distance.

History of past illness :

The patient is not a known case of diabetes, epilepsy, tuberculosis, asthma, hypertension

Personal history : 

- The patient has loss of appetite

- She takes mixed diet

- No sleep disturbances

- She has no addictions

Family history :

- There are no similar complaints in the family members

Treatment history :

- The patient has taken medications for fever

- She is not a known case of drug allergy.

General examination :

- Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative at the time of joining

- Pallor present

- No icterus

- No cyanosis

- No clubbing of fingers and toes

- No lymphadenopathy

- Bilateral pedal edema is absent

Vitals : temperature - 98.5°F

             Pulse rate - 90 bpm

              Respiratory rate - 18 cycles per minute

              BP - 80/50 mm Hg

23/11/21 - weight - 34 kg

                   Abdominal girth - 70 cm

24/11/21 - weight - 35 kg

                   Abdominal girth - 79 cm

25/11/21 - weight - 30 kg

                   Abdominal girth - 71 cm

26/11/21 - weight - 32 kg

                  Abdominal girth - 77 cm

Systemic examination : 


Inspection - chest wall is bilaterally symmetrical

- No precordial bulge 

- No visible pulsations, engorged veins, scars, sinuses

Palpation - JVP is normal

Auscultation - S1 and S2 heard


- Position of trachea is central 

- Bilateral air entry is normal

- Normal vesicular breath sounds heard

- No added sounds


- abdomen is tender

- bowel and bladder sounds heard

- free fluid is present

Inspection : shape - generalised distension due to fluid

                      Umbilicus - 

                      No visible pulsations

                      No visible peristalsis

                    No striae or prominent superficial veins seen 

                    No IVC obstruction

Palpation : shifting dullness is seen

Percussion : 

Auscultation : 


- Patient is conscious

- Speech is present

- Reflexes are normal

Ascitic tap was done on 22/11/21 (500 ml)

Investigations : 

22/11/21 -

Ascitic fluid sugar - 44 mg/dl

                      Protein - 4.3 g/dl

23/11/21 - 

24/11/21 -  

26//11/21 -

Diagnosis : Ascites secondary to ?

Treatment : 
Salt restriction < 2.4 g/dl
Fluid restriction < 1L/day
Tab aldactone 50 mg/day
Inj. Neomol 1 g/IV/if temp is >101.1°F
3 egg whites per day
2 Tbsp protein powder in 100 ml milk/PO/TID
Tab Lasix 40 mg/BD

"24 hr urine is being collected" suspecting nephrotic syndrome?

Her conditions point out to either liver pathology or nephrotic syndrome or abdominal TB

How to proceed further?


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