General medicine case 4

 This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

A 60 year old female who is daily wage labourer by occupation came with the chief complaint of

1. Lower back pain 

2. Facial puffiness

3. Pedal edema

History of present illness :

- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 months back then she developed fever and backache for which she was treated symptomatically. She used to take analgesics for a temporary relief from the backache.

- Later when the conditions repeated again, she was taken to a local hospital where she was diagnosed with kidney failure.

- She is currently undergoing dialysis twice a week.

History of past illness : 

- The patient is a known case of hypertension since 6 years and is on medication.

- She is not a known case of diabetes, epilepsy, tuberculosis, asthma.

Personal history : 

- The patient has loss of appetite since 2 days

- She takes mixed diet

- She has proper bladder movements

- She has constipation

- She is unable to sleep since 2 days

- No addictions 

Family history :

- There are no similar complaints in the family members

Treatment history :

- She is not a known case of any drug allergy

General examination :

- Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative at the time of joining

- Pallor is present

- No icterus

- No cyanosis

- No clubbing of fingers and toes

- No lymphadenopathy

- pedal edema js present which is of pitting type

Vitals : temperature - 98.5 F

              Pulse rate - 82 bpm

              Respiratory rate - 18 cycles per minute

              BP - 140/90 mm Hg

Systemic examination : 


Inspection - chest wall is bilaterally symmetrical

- No precordial bulge 

- No visible pulsations, engorged veins, scars, sinuses

Palpation - JVP is normal

Auscultation - S1 and S2 heard


- Position of trachea is central 

- Bilateral air entry us normal

- Normal vesicular breath sounds heard

- No added sounds


- abdomen is not tender

- bowel sounds heard

- no palpable mass or free fluid


- Patient is conscious

- Speech is present

- Reflexes are normal

Investigations :

Hemogram : 

Serum electrolytes : 

Serum creatinine : 

Serum iron : 

Blood urea : 

RBS : 

Serology : 

Ultrasonography : 

ECG : 

Diagnosis : Chronic kidney disease 

Treatment : 

- fluid restriction < 1.5 litres per day

- salt restriction < 2 g per day

- Tab. Lasix 40 mg OD

- Tab. Nicardia 20 mg BD

- Tab. Livogen BD

- Tab. Nodosis 500 mg OD

- Tab. Bio D3 0.25 mg OD

1. What are the various causes of CKD other than induction by analgesic drugs ?

2. What are the effects of CKD on gastrointestinal tract ?

3. What other organs are affected by analgesics?

4. What is the limit of dosage for taking analgesics that wouldn't cause kidney diseases ?


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